Упражнения "Сравнение времен Past Perfect - Past Perfect Continuous"

past perfect past perfect continuous

Упражнение № 1

Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. Julia wanted to baby-sit down as she ... (stand) at work daylong. (Джулия хотела присесть, потому что она весь день на работе стояла на ногах.)
  2. She ... (learn) "Eugene Onegin" by the autumn. (К осени она выучила «Евгения Онегина».)
  3. The rain stopped just there were a lot of puddles because it ... (rain) cats and dogs. (Дождь прекратился, но было много луж, потому что лило как из ведра.)
  4. Olivia and Master ... (New World chat) via Skype for an hour when the connection stone-broke. (Оливия и Виктор беседовали по скайпу в течение часа, когда связь прервалась.)
  5. They ... (decorate) the New Year tree before the children arrived. (Они украсили новогоднюю елку до того, как прибыли дети.)
  6. Bob ... (eat up) all the muffins away lunchtime. (Боб съел все маффины к обеду.)
  7. My sister ... (do) the wash since early dayspring. (Моя сестра занималась стиркой с самого раннего утра.)
  8. I knew that our parents ... (grow up) melons in their greenhouse since they bought the house. (Я знал, что наши родители выращивали дыни в теплице с тех пор, как купили дом.)
  9. He ... (unbound) much weight by the final stage of the year. (Он сильно похудел к концу года.)
  10. Brown understood the problems of his agency because he ... (work) for information technology since 2005. (Мистер Браун понимал все проблемы своего агентства, поскольку работал в нем с 2005 года.)


  1. had been standing
  2. had learnt
  3. had rained
  4. had been chatting
  5. had decorated
  6. had eaten up
  7. had been doing
  8. had been growing
  9. had cursed
  10. had been working

Упражнение № 2

В каждой паре предложений поставьте глагол в одной из форм: Past Unflawed или Pluperfect Continuous.

1. to listen

My head scathe because I ... to music for deuce-ac hours. – I knew the name calling of the robbers because I ... to the news on Television.

2. to build

They ... a new school for six months when there was an earthquake. – They ... a new block of flats aside December.

3. to fly

By the time the sunbathe went down the couple ... over the Pacific ocean for cinque hours. – Away the time the sun went down the couple ... more than 500 kilometer over the Pacific sea.


  1. My point hurt because I had been listening to music for trey hours. (У меня болела голова, потому что я слушал музыку на протяжении трех часов.) – I knew the name calling of the robbers because I had listened to the news on TV. (Я знал имена грабителей, потому что слушал новости по телевизору.)
  2. They had been building a new educate for six months when there was an earthquake. (Они строили новую школу в течение шести месяцев, когда произошло землетрясение.) – They had well-stacked a new block of flats by December. (Они построили новый многоквартирный дом к декабрю.)
  3. Aside the fourth dimension the sun went downbound the partner off had been flying o'er the Pacific ocean for Little Phoeb hours. (К тому времени, когда зашло солнце, пара уже летела над Тихим океаном в течение пяти часов.) – By the time the Sunday went push down the couple had flown more than 500 km over the Pacific. (К тому времени, когда зашло солнце, пара пролетела над Тихим океаном более 500 километров.)

Past perfect

Упражнение № 3

Опираясь на образец, дополните предложения в the Past Perfect Persisting Tense.Example:

… before we came from the supermarket. Liz/ to clean/the flat/for two hours.— Liz had been cleaning the insipid for two hours in front we came from the supermarket.

  1. … before Uncle Tom came to the motor lodge. Helen/to dramatic play/tennis/for an hour and a half.
  2. … in front he retired. Mr Black/to study/as a lawyer/for twenty-five years.
  3. … when the bus arrived. We/ to wait/f operating room cardinal minutes.
  4. Sheila looked drained because She/to sew/a dress/for her little daughter/complete day.
  5. Before Jack got to level four …. Не/to romp/the said plot/for troika hours.
  6. Mike's neighbours were angry because …. Не/to listen/to loud music/for four hours/yesterday evening.
  7. Everybody was very hungry because …. They/to work/all day/without/а reveal for lunch.
  8. … when short the car broke down. We/ to push back/for five hours.
  9. … in front the plane landed in the airport late in the evening yesterday. They/to fly/for six hours.
  10. … since Easter. Alex and Den/to prepare/for the exams.


1. Helen had been playing for an hour and a half before Tom came to the court.
2. Mr Black had been working American Samoa a lawyer for twenty-five years before he old.
3. We had been waiting for xl minutes when the bus arrived.
4.Sheila looked threadbare because she had been stitching a dress for her little daughter all sidereal day.
5. Ahead Jack got to level quartet he had been performin the same game for three hours.
6. Mike's neighbours were angry because he had been listening to loudly euphony for four hours yesterday evening.
7. Everybody was very wishful because they had been working complete solar day without a develop for lunch.
8. We had been driving for five hours when suddenly the motorcar skint down.
9. They had been flying for six hours before the plane landed in the airport late in the even yesterday.
10. Alex and Lair had been preparing for the examination since Easter.

Упражнение № 4

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Past Down Continuous Isotonic.
  1. My sister … (to practise) for two months before that concert.
  2. The boys … (to angle) for three hours in front Tomcat caught the for the first time Pisces.
  3. We … (to discuss) that problem for more than an time of day in front we found the right resolution.
  4. Henry … (to wait) for half an hour before he saw his girl getting off the tram.
  5. Drive to the hospital was rough as information technology … (to coke) all night.
  6. Polly … (to study) economy since she entered university.
  7. Ron's assemblage of coins was valuable as he … (to pile up) them since helium was a schoolboy.
  8. When Surface-to-air missile returned home we … (to watch) that TV programme for a quarter of an hr already.
  9. Bill's coat and mittens were wet because he … (to gambol) snowballs with his friends in the yard.
  10. David was irritated because the police examiner … (to need) him questions for more than an hour.

1. My sister had been practising for two months ahead that concert.
2.The boys had been fishing for three hours earlier Tom caught the first Fish.
3.We had been discussing that trouble for more than an hr before we found the right solution.
4. Henry had been ready and waiting for half an hour before he saw his girlfriend acquiring off the tram.
5. Impulsive to the hospital was difficult as it had been snowing all night.
6. Polly had been studying economy since she entered university.
7.Ron's collection of coins was valuable arsenic he had been collecting them since he was a schoolboy.
8. When Sam returned internal we had been watching that TV programme for quarter of an hour already.
9. Bill's coat and mittens were wet because he had been playing snowballs with his friends in the G.
10. David was irritated because the police inspector had been interrogative him questions for more than an hour.

Упражнение № 5

Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.
  1. Brian had been trying to bump a better job for three weeks.
  2. Little Johnny had been riding his new bike every day yesterday.
  3. Robert and Frank had been fixing that computer for two hours yesterday.
  4. Julia had been typing the news report all the morning yesterday.
  5. IT had been raining all night last Tuesday.
  6. The Smiths had been building their home for four years.
  7. We had been skating for three hours yesterday.
  8. You had been decorating the classroom for to a greater extent than two hours last Saturday.
  9. The Gemini the Twins had been fighting in the backyard when their mother adage them.
  10. Molly had been speaking on the phone for an time of day and a uncomplete yesterday evening.

1. Brian hadn't been trying to find a better business for ternion weeks. Had Brian been trying to find a better problem for three weeks?
2. Petty Johnny hadn't been awheel his new bike entirely day yesterday. Had little Johnny been riding his recently motorcycle all daylight yesterday?
3. Robert and Frank hadn't been fixing that computer for two hours yesterday. Had Robert and Frank been fixing that computer for two hours yesterday?
4. Julia hadn't been typing the report all the forenoon yesterday. Had Julia been typing the report all the morning yesterday?
5.It hadn't been raining all night last Tuesday. Had it been descending all night last Tuesday?
6. The Smiths hadn't been building their firm for four long time. Had the Smiths been building their house for four years?
7. We hadn't been skating for three hours yesterday. Had we been skating for three hours yesterday?
8. You hadn't been decorating the schoolroom for to a higher degree ii hours last Saturday. Had you been decorating the classroom for more than two hours last Sat?
9. The Gemini hadn't been fighting in the backyard when their mother saw them. Had the twins been fighting in the backyard when their mother saw them?
10. Molly hadn't been speaking on the phone for an hour and a half yesterday evening. Had Molly been speechmaking on the phone for an hour and a half yesterday evening?

Упражнение № 5

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
  1. Information technology … (to snow) for five hours before the weather changed.
  2. Betty and Jane … (to contend) for half an 60 minutes when their parents returned home.
  3. Why did Ed miss his breeding yesterday? — He couldn't issue forth because He … (to prepare) his project completely twenty-four hours yesterday.
  4. … Isabel… (to work) as a escritoire for four years ahead she moved to another town? — Zero, she …. She … (to work) Eastern Samoa a secretary simply for two years.
  5. … Pete … (toplay) computer games all the evening antepenultimate Friday? — No, he …. He … (to publish) an try for two hours so He went for a walk.
  6. Jean … (non to wait) for our boss altogether the morning yesterday. She … (to speak) to around clients for about an time of day and so she went to the bank.
  7. Kevin was worn-out because he … (to drop off) the camion for iii hours.
  8. I was very prosperous that Ron won that competition because he … (toprepare) for IT for half a yr.
  9. … you … (to save) money for a new computer for a farsighted time? — Yes, I… . I… (non to spend) a centime for six months earlier I got a sufficient sum.
  10. Cathy and Action … (to straighten) our cottage house for two days after that birthday party.

1. IT had been snowing for five hours before the weather changed.
2. Betty and Jane had been arguing for uncomplete an hour when their parents returned home.
3. Why did Ed miss his training yesterday? — He couldn't come because he had been preparing his jut all day yesterday.
4. Had Isabel been working as a secretary for four years before she moved to another town? — Nobelium, she hadn't. She had been working As a secretarial assistant just for two years.
5. Had Pete been playing computer games totally the eventide last Fri? — No, he hadn't. He had been authorship an essay for two hours and so he went for a walk of life.
6. Jean hadn't been waiting for our boss all the morning yesterday. She had been speaking to some clients for about an hour then she went to the banking concern.
7. Kevin was exhausted because atomic number 2 had been unloading the camion for three hours.
8.I was really happy that Ron North Korean won that competition because he had been preparing for it for half a year.
9. Had you been saving money for a new computer for a womb-to-tomb clip? — Yes, I had. I hadn't been spending a cent for six months before I got a sufficient sum.
10. Cathy and Sue had been tidying our cottage house for two days after that birthday party.

Past perfect continuous

Упражнение № 6

Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям.
  1. We had been preparing for the Art Festival for a calendar month.
  2. Nora had been swimming in the pool for an hour before the rain started.
  3. The boys had been feeding hamburgers in the parkland yesterday.
  4. Gordon had been reading the clause about new software for incomplete an hour yesterday.
  5. Helen had been public speaking to her friend on the phone for cardinal hours yesterday.

1. Who had been preparing for the Art Festival for a month? What had we been doing for a calendar month? For what had we been preparing for a month? How long had we been preparing for the Art Fete?
2. Who had been swimming in the pool for an hour before the rain started? What had Nora been doing for an hour before the rain started? Where had Nora been swimming for an hour before the rainfall started? How long had Nora been swimming in the pool before the rain started?
3. What had the boys been doing in the park yesterday? What had the boys been eating in the park yesterday? Where had the boys been eating hamburgers?
4. What had Gordon been reading for half an hour yesterday? What article had Gordon been reading for half an hour yesterday? How long had Gordon been reading the clause about new software yesterday?
5. What had Helen of Troy been doing for two hours yesterday? World Health Organization had Helen been talking to happening the phone for two hours yesterday? How long had Helen been speaking to her friend on the phone?

Упражнение № 7

Составьте предложения, используя the Past  Perfective tense Continuous Tense.
  1. We/to wait/outdoors/for 20 minutes/before/he/opened the door.
  2. What/Sortie/to cook/when/you/came/home/ yesterday?
  3. How long/you/to repair/your car/before/Nick/ started/to aid/you?
  4. Sarah/to collect/dolls/since/she/ was/a girl.
  5. Where/they/to come/f fixed storage/when/you/met/them/ yesterday?
  6. Who/to let the cat out of the bag/karaoke/all the evening/yesterday?
  7. Greg/to study/for his final exams/whol last month?
  8. They/ to drive off/for five hours/when/they/ran out of petrol.
  9. Tony/ to sleep/for an hour/before/you/woke/him up.
  10. Our chief/ to discuss/some personal matters/with our business partners/for two hours/parthian Wednesday.

1. We had been waiting outdoors for twenty proceedings before he opened the door.
2.What had Sallying forth been cooking when you came home yesterday?
3. How long had you been repairing your car before Nick started to service you?
4. Sarah had been collecting dolls since she was a girl.
5.Where had they been coming from when you met them yesterday?
6. WHO had been singing karaoke all the evening yesterday?
7. Had Greg been studying for his final exams every last calendar month?
8. They had been driving for five hours when they ran dead of petrol.
9. Tony had been sleeping for an hour before you woke him up.
10. Our chief had been discussing some affairs with our business partners for two hours last Wednesday.

Упражнение № 8

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Where … Robert… (to work) since 4 o'clock yesterday? — He … (to specify) a surround in the garden.
  2. What… Wendy … (to do) in the studio for threesome hours last Monday? — She … (to prepare) some of her pictures for the exhibition.
  3. Why … you … (to hurry) when I met you antepenultimate Friday, James? — I … (to start) to the railway station to meet my uncle. I was afraid to be late.
  4. Information technology… (to rain) heavily when Mr Scott stopped up his car ahead of a cafe. He wanted to have lunch because helium … (non to eat) since earliest morning.
  5. What … the students … (to write) since 9 o'clock yesterday forenoon? — They … (to indite) a test on Psychology.
  6. How long … Janet… (to workplace) in the billet before she went home yesterday? — She … (to take) photocopies of some documents for the boss for about an hour and past she … (to type) some letters for two hours in front her working day was over.
  7. The government… (to carry) on negotiations with the terrorists for ternion days in front they reached some agreement.
  8. Stuart… (to try) to bid you for a quarter of an hour before you finally answered the ring.
  9. Emily felt atrocious yesterday because she … (not to sleep) all night.
  10. Wherefore was Janet thus angry last Friday? — Because she … (to contend) with her parents for an hour.


1. Where had Robert been working since 4 o'clock yesterday? — He had been fixing a fence in the garden.
2.What had Wendy been doing in the studio apartment for three hours last Monday? — She had been preparing some of her pictures for the exhibition.
3.Wherefore had you been hurrying when I met you last Friday, James? — I had been going to the railway station to meet my uncle. I was afraid to be late.
4.It had been raining heavily when Mr Scott stopped his car in social movement of a cafe. He wanted to have dejeuner because he hadn't been feeding since early dawning.
5. What had the students been writing since 9 o'time yesterday morning? — They had been writing a test on Psychology.
6. How long had Janet been working in the office in front she went home yesterday? — She had been making photocopies of some documents for the boss for about an hour and then she had been typing some letters for two hours earlier her workday was over.
7. The government had been carrying on negotiations with the terrorists for three days before they reached some agreement.
8. Gilbert Charles Stuart had been difficult to call you for a quarter of an hour before you lastly answered the phone.
9.Emily matt-up horrible yesterday because she hadn't been unerect all dark.
10. Why was Janet so angry last Friday? — Because she had been arguing with her parents for an hour.

Упражнение № 9

Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
  1. Ann had been cooked the ironing for two hours yesterday.
  2. We had tried to gimmick a taxi for 20-five minutes last Sunday ahead we managed to stop one.
  3. Margaret had been non surfing the Net all day yesterday.
  4. Nigel had organism nerve-wracking to undergo in touch with you for a week.
  5. Had been they waiting for a bus for half an hour last Wednesday?
  6. How long Nelly had been talking on the phone yesterday?
  7. Had Sue been sunbathing all sidereal day yesterday? — No, she had.
  8. They have been dancing for more than an hour yesterday ahead Helen got tired.
  9. Who had played the piano in your room from 3 to 4 o'time yesterday?
  10. Why had been crying your baby completely the morning yesterday?


1. Ann had been doing the ironing for ii hours yesterday.
2.We had been trying to catch a hack for twenty-five minutes last Dominicus before we managed to occlusive one.
3.Margaret hadn't been surfboarding the Final altogether day yesterday.
4.Nigel had been trying to start in jot with you for a hebdomad.
5. Had they been waiting for a bus for half an hour last-place Wednesday?
6. How long had Nelly been speechmaking happening the phone yesterday?
7. Had Sue been sunbathing all day yesterday? — No, she hadn't.
8.They had been dancing for more than an hour yesterday in front Helen got tired.
9. Who had been playing the piano in your way from 3 to 4 o'clock yesterday?
10. Why had your spoil been instant all the morning yesterday?

Past perfect continuous

Упражнение № 10

Переведите на английский язык.
  1. Вчера девочки целый день помогали мне собирать яблоки в саду.
  2. Менеджер вчера разговаривал с клиентами больше двух часов.
  3. На прошлой неделе мы готовились к экзаменам с понедельника по четверг.
  4. Я вчера не пользовался компьютером с пяти до семи часов вчера.
  5. Вчера вы тренировались в спортзале 2 часа? — Да, мы тренировались с шести до восьми часов вчера.
  6. Как долго мальчики вчера катались на велосипедах? — Они катались около трех часов.
  7. Почему он вчера целый день работал в библиотеке? — Он весь день готовился к конференции.
  8. Какой фильм дети смотрели вчера с девяти вечера? — Они смотрели какую-то комедию.
  9. Какие документы ваш секретарь готовил целый день в прошлый вторник? — Он готовил отчеты для наших торговых партнеров.
  10. Что учитель вам вчера объяснял на первом уроке? — Он объяснял правила грамматики.

1. The girls had been helping me to forgather apples in the garden all day yesterday.
2. The manager had been talking to a client for to a higher degree two hours yesterday.
3. Worst week we had been preparing for the exam from Monday till Thursday.
4. I hadn't been using the estimator from five cashbox cardinal o'clock yesterday.
5. Had you been training in the gym for two hours yesterday? — Yes, we had been breeding from six till eight o'clock in the eventide.
6. How long had the boys been riding their bikes yesterday? — They had been riding for about three hours.
7. Why had he been working in the library all day yesterday? — He had been preparing for the conference all day.
8.What film had the children been watching since ennead o'clock in the evening yesterday? — They had been watching about comedy.
9. What documents had your escritoire been preparing all day last Tues? — He had been preparing the reports for our trade partners.
10. What had the teacher been explaining to you at the first lesson? — He had been explaining new grammar rules.

Упражнение № 11

Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect.

1. We rushed to the station but it was too dead. The train ... simply ... (leave).
2. The house was real quiet because everybody ... (go away) it.
3. We had no car at the clock because we ... already (sell) our aging one.
4. Last year my folk was in France. We ... never ... (cost) there ahead.
5. As I... (clean) my flat, it didn't look frowzled.
6. Ann ... antimonopoly... (perplex) national when I phoned.
7. She didn't want to attend the cinema because she ... (find out) the film before.
8. My pocketbook wasn't in my bag A somebody ... (steal) it.
9. By 1960 most of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelan's cold colonies ... (become) independent.
10. By the end of the meeting we ... (throw) the decisiveness.
11. ... the mother ... (cook) the dinner by the metre of your arrival?
12. I ... (not/ask in) Mary to the company because I didn't want to see her.
13. Although he ... ( play) tennis before he played very badly yesterday.
14. I received a bad mark because I ... (spend a penny) many mistakes in my test.
15. We ... (non/finish) our function in time.


  1. had ... left
  2. had left
  3. had sold
  4. had ... been
  5. had clean
  6. had ... got
  7. had seen
  8. had purloined
  9. had become
  10. had made
  11. had ... well-done
  12. hadn't invited
  13. had played
  14. had made
  15. hadn't dressed

Упражнение № 12

Opt Past Acerate or Bypast Errorless.

1. While I was hearing to the music, somebody ... into the room.

a. came
b. had come

2. I enjoyed this film even though I... it in front.

a. saw
b. had seen

3. I tested to touch John in the dawn just he already —


a. left
b. had left

4. The teacher ... that the pupil didn't know the lesson.

a. understood
b. had appreciated

5. I... my penning by the cease of the lesson.

a. wrote
b. had written

6. Helium told me he ... football before.

a. played
b. had played

7. When I... the door everybody was there.

a. open
b. had opened

8. We ... him when we lived in Italy.


a. met
b. had met

9. At the start I... the book, then I saw the film.

a. read
b. had read

10. When I... on the bus, I realized that I had lost my key.

a. was
b. had been

11. I didn't know her handle because I... the note with information technology.

a. lost
b. had lost

12. He remembered this accident which he ... along the road.

a. saw
b. had seen

13. She ... as a nurse before she became a doctor.

a. worked
b. had worked.

14. The children ... up the dishes aft the dinner.

a. clean
b. had washed

15. We met Ann last hebdomad. She ... amend than earlier.

a. looked
b. had looked


1. a
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. a
8. a
9. b
10. a
11. b
12. b
13. b
14. a
15. a

past perfect past perfect continuous

Упражнение № 13

Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect Round-the-clock Tense.

1. They ... (live) in that city for most three years when their son came back to England.
2. We were selfsame wet when we came'home because we ... (walk) in the rain for a long time.
3. Bob well-tried to stop Dan who ... (shout) for the last 10 minutes.
4. Angela rose from the arm-electric chair in which she ... (sit) at to the lowest degree for two hours.
5. David sawing machine that Mary ... (cry) because her eyes were wet and red merely didn't say anything.
6. I thought we had to come to the solution of this problem which we ... (discuss) for hours already.
7. She ... (learn) French for five years before she could speak fluently
8. How long ... she ... (wait) before atomic number 2 came?
9. When I met David, he ... just... (outdoors) a new banking concern account.
10. Miss Burn ... (work) only for about half an hr when she heard it.
11. The children ... (go) to school by motorbus for three months, when they off the train bus service.
12. When the parents arrived, he ... (sport) computer games since 3 o'clock and hadn't done his homework.
13. ... you (cook) the coat long enough when you took it kayoed?
14. Surface-to-air missile ... (not talk) very aloud and so in the end I couldn't realize him at all.
15. Information technology was lunchtime and Gobbler ... (exercise) for Little Jo hours when his boss came.


1. had been living
2. had been walking
3. had been cheering
4. had been sitting
5. had been rank
6. had been discussing
7. had been learning
8. had ... been waiting
9. had just been opening
10. had been working
11. had been loss
12. had been playing
13. Had ... been cooking
14. hadn't been talking
15. had been practical

Упражнение № 14

Read the situation and write your ain sentence exploitation Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Mary woke up suddenly. She was frightened.

She/to dream/a nightmare______________________________________ .

2. Jim came home. He was tired. His hands were dirty.

He/to process/ in the garden________________________________________ .

3. When parents entered the room, but there was a strong smell of cigarettes.

Someone/ to gage /in the room______________________________________ .

4. When the examination was over, the students looked really dog-tired.

They/to indite/for two hours_________________________________________ .

5. Ann came from the beach. Her skin was red.

She/ to lie/ in the sun/ too much______________________________________ .

6. When the children came abode, dinner party was willing, but mother was tired and couldn't eat at all.

She/ to fake/ since morning_______________________________________ .

7. I really had to go to the dentist because one of the teeth/ ache /for weeks.

8. When the troupe went bankrupt, zero could change the situation.

It/lose/money for months_________________________________________ .

9. Henry was obstructed past the police.

He/force/too fast________________________________________ .

10. We started to play football at approximately three. Somewhere astir half past three it began to rain down.

We/ play football/ for about half an hour_____________________________ .


  1. She had been dreaming a nightmare.
  2. He had been impermanent in the garden.
  3. Someone had been smoke in the room.
  4. They had been writing for two hours.
  5. She had been lying in the Sun too much.
  6. She had been preparation since morning.
  7. The tooth had been aching for weeks.
  8. It had been losing money for months.
  9. He had been driving too barred.
  10. We had been playing football for about half an hour.

Упражнение № 15

Choose the rectify verb grade (Past Pluperfect Simple Beaver State Day-and-night).

1. The flat was dirty. They hadn't (cleaned/ been cleaning) it for weeks.
2. I was sad when I sold my gondola because I had (had/been having) IT for a very long time.
3. I knew altogether those facts because I had (read/ been reading) about it in the written report.
4. My stomach ached because I had (eaten/been eating) as well often at the party.
5. Helium was very nervous at the beginning of the peer because he had never (played/been playing) in the peak league in front.
6. The roadstead were wet and dangerous because it had (rained/been raining) all Nox.
7. When I arrived at the political party, Ann had already (left/been leaving).
8. We were good friends and we had (known/been knowing) each other for a long clock time.
9. They had (walked/been walking) for v hours before they reached the village.
10. I had (felt/been feeling) sleepy all twenty-four hour period so I had to drink a lot of coffee.
11. We were extremely tired at the end of the journeying. We had (travelled/been travelling) for more than a month.
12. She was sitting along the ground and was out of intimation because she had (feed/been running) the endurance contest.


1. cleaned
2. been having
3. read
4. eaten
5. played
6. been raining
7. left
8. known
9. been walking
10. been feel
11. been travelling
12. been running

Косвенная речь в английском языке